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Ischoha-Kakoschochata, Dance of the Mandan Indians, plate 25 from volume 1 of `Travels in the Interior of North America'
Order as handmade oil painting Ischoha-Kakoschochata, Dance of the Mandan Indians, plate 25 from volume 1 of `Travels in the Interior of North America' - Karl Bodmer |
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Junction of the Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers -
Karl Bodmer
Mato-Tope, a Mandan Chief, plate 13 from Volume 2 of 'Travels in the Interior of North America' 1844 -
Karl Bodmer
Mato-Tope, Adorned with the Insignia of his Warlike Deeds, plate 14 from Volume 2 of 'Travels in the Interior of North America' -
Karl Bodmer
Mexkemahuastan, Chief of the Gros-Ventres of the Prairies, plate 20 from Volume 1 of 'Travels in the Interior of North America' 1843 -
Karl Bodmer
Mih-Tutta-Hankush, a Mandan Village, plate 16 from Volume 2 of 'Travels in the Interior of North America' -
Karl Bodmer
The Mouth of the Fox River, Indiana, plate 5 from Volume 2 of 'Travels in the Interior of North America' -
Karl Bodmer
The Travellers Meeting with Minatarre Indians near Fort Clark, plate 26 from Volume 1 of 'Travels in the Interior of North America' 1843 -
Karl Bodmer [locked]
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